10 Shocking Auto Accident Statistics

  1. The most common causes of auto accidents are distracted driving, texting, fatigue and weather conditions.
  2. Approximately 20 million people are injured in auto accidents every year.
  3. More than half of auto accident deaths occur among individuals ages 15-44.
  4. Auto accidents are the 4th leading cause of death in the United States.
  5. There are more than 3,000 auto accident deaths every day.
  6. Drunk driving was the leading cause of auto accident deaths followed by speeding.
  7. Auto accidents are the most common type of personal injury accident.
  8. Males are more likely to get injured or die in auto accidents than females.
  9. Vehicle drivers are more likely to suffer a fatality in a crash than the passengers.
  10. Vehicle occupants were not wearing their seat belts in more than 55% of fatal accidents.


Be Prepared If You Are Involved In An Auto Accident

Being aware of some auto accident statistics can be somewhat helpful to avoiding an accident because they make you more knowledgeable but it doesn’t prevent you from being in an auto accident.  We want you to be prepared and know the steps to take in case you suffer the misfortune of being in an auto accident.  Auto accidents involve all types of vehicles and at any speed and can cause damage to not only your vehicle but also your body.  Impacts that occur under 10 miles per hour can still cause damage to your body.  It is very important to see a doctor as soon as possible after your accident no matter the severity of the crash.  Dr. Chris is here for you!  Please contact him 24/7.

Important to Get Injury Evaluation, Treatment & Injury Attorney As Soon As Possible

Have you been in a car accident? Unless you receive injury treatment as soon as possible and have the right injury attorney on your side, your claim can get dismissed by the attorneys for the insurance company who are paid to minimize insurance claim pay-outs.  Dr. Chris specializes in treating accident injuries and works with some of the best attorneys in Ohio. And from our experience, the sooner you have your injuries evaluated by a professional like Dr. Chris, and have a quality injury attorney representing you, the more likely your claim gets treated with the respect it deserves. SO don't wait, contact Dr. Chris ASAP!

Cleveland Injury Doctor

Sports Injuries

Certain sports-related injuries are more common than others.  Our office treats a variety of sports injuries including tendonitis, knee and ankle sprains and shoulder sprains.

Sports Injuries

Work/Personal Injuries

When suffering from workplace injuries, "slip and falls" and personal injury circumstances that are out of your control, we specialize in getting you an early diagnosis and treatment for a fast recovery.

Workplace / Personal Injuries

Auto Accident

The forces that occur in an auto accident usually whip the neck vertebrae out of correct alignment. Whether it's whiplash or another injury, you get an individualized plan for pain relief and recovery.

Auto Accident