Chiropractic Care & Wellness

Why We Need Wellness Care

So we hear about "health and wellness" regularly, but what is wellness care and why do we need it? Health is defined as the state of being free from illness or injury.  Just because you don’t feel sick today does not mean you feel as great as you could.  If your nervous system is being impeded from sending messages to other organs and systems in the body, things may not be working as well as they could be.  Through a regular wellness care program at the Injury Therapy Center, or ITC, that works to restore spinal health and mobility, people often find they have more energy and do not get sick as often.  When the nervous system is functioning properly, the benefits are endless and blood flow, lung capacity, digestion, heartbeat, skin tone and overall mobility are only some of the body’s functions that are impacted positively by a spine that is properly aligned.  Call Dr. Chris today to schedule an appointment!

What is Chiropractic? What Does a Chiropractor Do?

Chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on musculoskeletal and neurological disorders, and the effects of these disorders on general health. Chiropractic services are most often used to treat musculoskeletal complaints including but not limited to neck pain, back pain, headaches and pain in the joints of the arms or legs. Chiropractic is the third largest primary health care profession, surpassed in number only by doctors of medicine and dentistry. It is estimated doctors of chiropractic (DC’s) treat about 35 million Americans annually. Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the safest drug-free, non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal complaints. Read more here.

What is Spinal Manipulation, or "Adjustment"?

One of the most common, and effective, therapies used by a chiropractor is spinal manipulation, commonly referred to as "adjustments." Adjustments are used by chiropractors, like Dr. Chris, to restore joint mobility after a soft tissue injury - usually an auto accident, sports injury or other personal injury.  By applying controlled force into joints that have become limited in their range of motion and movement, adjustments of the affected joint and tissues restores mobility, which in turn reduces, or eliminates, pain and tightness in the muscle. This process of spinal manipulation allows tissues to heal properly.  Frequently patients will hear a popping noise during an adjustment as gas bubbles are released between the joints - much like "cracking your knuckles."

Chiropractic Treatment As Part of a Wellness Care Program

Even if you have not suffered a serious injury from an auto accident or other personal injury, the pain caused by repetitive motions, improper lifting, sitting with bad posture for extended periods of time and general wear and tear on your body can be effectively treated by chiropractic care. Chiropractic therapy, like that offered by Dr. Chris of the Injury Therapy Center of Cleveland,can help keep the integrity of the nervous system intact and be an important aspect of your wellness care. Gentle spinal manipulation on a regular basis can help ensure the daily impacts of your life are not wearing your health down over time. Dr. Chris can help detect problems before they develop into a more serious issue by performing a thorough and detailed evaluation of your current physical state and health history to make sure you feel great. Please contact ITC to see how Dr. Chris can set up a wellness care program designed specifically for you!

Important to Get Injury Evaluation, Treatment & Injury Attorney As Soon As Possible

Have you been in a car accident? Unless you receive injury treatment as soon as possible and have the right injury attorney on your side, your claim can get dismissed by the attorneys for the insurance company who are paid to minimize insurance claim pay-outs.  Dr. Chris specializes in treating accident injuries and works with some of the best attorneys in Ohio. And from our experience, the sooner you have your injuries evaluated by a professional like Dr. Chris, and have a quality injury attorney representing you, the more likely your claim gets treated with the respect it deserves. SO don't wait, contact Dr. Chris ASAP!