10 Shocking Auto Accident Statistics

Auto Accident Statistics

People Injured in Auto Accidents Each Year

National Auto Accident Statistics

Driver-related factors (i.e., error, impairment, fatigue, distraction) present in accidents
Traffic fatalities caused by aggressive driving

Cleveland Injury Doctor

Sports Injuries

Certain sports-related injuries are more common than others.  Our office treats a variety of sports injuries including tendonitis, knee and ankle sprains and shoulder sprains.

Sports Injuries

Work/Personal Injuries

When suffering from workplace injuries, "slip and falls" and personal injury circumstances that are out of your control, we specialize in getting you an early diagnosis and treatment for a fast recovery.

Workplace / Personal Injuries

Auto Accident

The forces that occur in an auto accident usually whip the neck vertebrae out of correct alignment. Whether it's whiplash or another injury, you get an individualized plan for pain relief and recovery.

Auto Accident