1) To receive the best injury treatment without being responsible for your medical bills
2) To be paid fairly for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries
The good news is you’re eligible to receive these 2 things and more through a financial settlement and Dr. Chris specializes in making it happen for you!

Bad News: Insurance Companies Do Not Want to Pay What You Deserve
The bad news is…the at fault driver’s insurance company stands in the way of your settlement, and they are determined to reduce the amount you can receive.
Why? Because they are the ones who have to pay your settlement! First, they will try to get off the hook by claiming you aren’t injured.
Do I Need to Get an Injury Evaluation Now, or Can I Wait?
Don't wait. Seeing a doctor for an injury evaluation right away is highly recommended by most attorneys specializing in getting the insurance company of the at fault driver to pay for your treatment. If you haven't seen an injury doctor, like Dr. Chris, to assess your injuries the other driver's insurance company will quickly dismiss your insurance claim as faulty because you lack evidence of injury. If you don't follow-up relentlessly they can bury you in paperwork so you don't get fairly compensated for your injury treatment, pain and suffering.
Acting Fast Reduces Risk of Insurance Claim Being Dismissed or Downplayed
When it's undeniable you have suffered injuries as a result of the auto accident caused by their insured driver, they will still try to REDUCE your settlement as much as possible by DOWNPLAYING the severity of your injuries. With an immediate injury evaluation, the insurance claim has more merit and can't be dismissed, or injuries downplayed, as easily.
ITC of Cleveland Specializes in Car Accident Injuries
This is why you need to call ITC. At the Injury Therapy Center of Cleveland you pay NOTHING out of pocket to get an injury assessment and immediate injury care.
Did They Have Insurance? Do I Need an Attorney?
You have questions and we know you're feeling overwhelmed. You suffered an auto accident, you're scrambling to get your car fixed and yourself back on track without missing work and suffering from too much additional inconvenience. You don't have the time, or the money, to start paying for doctors to assess you and to figure out what attorney will make sure your bills get paid and get the fair amount to put you "back to whole" - which is what insurance is designed to do.
What Does Their Insurance Cover?
There are minimum coverage for insurance mandated, by Ohio law, to protect people like you from being financially sidelined by another driver. It wasn't your fault. You need your car repaired, your body repaired and to be compensated for the pain, suffering and inconvenience the other driver has caused with their recklessness. That is why the law forces them to have insurance that will cover the people injured in an accident. So even if you don't have auto insurance, even if you don't have medical insurance, your injuries are covered by the other (the at-fault driver's) insurance.
Dr. Chris, Cleveland's Injury Doctor, Specializes in These Cases.
Dr. Chris specializes in accident injury care. He takes no money out of pocket for your initial auto accident injury evaluation, he makes sure the driver in the accident report had insurance and they're admitting fault so you know you won't be on the hook for attorney fees and medical bills. He will refer you to an injury attorney who knows how to protect your financial settlement from the insurance company and he follows up with the attorneys and insurance company for payment, so you don't have to. Dr. Chris has specialized in auto accident injury therapy for almost two decades and has quality relationships with several injury attorneys throughout the Greater Cleveland area, so whether you're already working with an injury attorney, or you need a recommendation, Dr. Chris has you covered!
Important to Get Injury Evaluation, Treatment & Injury Attorney As Soon As Possible
Unless you receive injury treatment as soon as possible and have the right injury attorney on your side, your claim can get dismissed by the attorneys for the insurance company who are paid to minimize insurance claim pay-outs. Dr. Chris specializes in treating accident injuries and works with some of the best attorneys in Ohio. And from our experience, the sooner you have your injuries evaluated by a professional like Dr. Chris, and have a quality injury attorney representing you, the more likely your claim gets treated with the respect it deserves. SO don't wait, contact Dr. Chris ASAP!